💊 My Headache Diary 💊
How it works?
The app have currently 3 tab:
- The first tab is a form with severals controls to complete which are the symptoms of your migraine. Presently, datas reccorded are axed on 5 themes (dates, symptoms, hypersensibility, potentials triggers and medications). You can use the most recent record to auto-complete the form.
- The second tab is the diary. It a listview where you can see all your record. You can modify the entries and eventualy delete a record.
- The third tab is the statistics and graph part.
Task List
- Better regex for auto-complete
- Delete buttons
- Stats and Graph part
- Prettier Interface
- Better UX
Icons made by Ilham Fitrotul Hayat from www.flaticon.com'
and by Freepik from www.flaticon.com'